Saturday, January 3, 2009
Family Pictures
We got our family pictures taken a few months back and i am finally taking the time to post some of them. Of course Sadie was great for the pictures but Chloe not so much. She was screaming and whinning the whole time. So most of the pictures Chloe isn't looking or screaming at poor Ashley. Thanks Ash for taking our pictures!!!!
Posted by Caleb,Ashley,Sadie, and Chloe at 12:47 PM 6 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Chloe being a nerd and showing us her cheesy face. I was trying to take pictures of Sadie for her Bday and Chloe kept getting in front of the camera. Silly girl....... Sadie's cute birthday cake.....Barbie and the Diamond Castle....I thought it turned out cute!
Posted by Caleb,Ashley,Sadie, and Chloe at 12:32 PM 13 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Family update....
Well as you can see i haven't updated in quit sometime. This post will be boring with no pictures, but ill try and sum up our past month for you all. We have been pretty busy.
First of all Sadie turned 4! We just had a family "PRINCESS PARTY" for her on her birthday. She got too spoiled with too many barbies and she loves them all. She is in love with Barbie and the Diamond Castle. So she got everything diamond castle. I'll show you pictures asap!
One day after Sadie's bday, Caleb and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary, we went to a matinee(which we have never done before, seems kinda strange but Caleb is always working, so we thought it was pretty cool) , then we went to my fav place, Tepanyaki. Finally we stayed over night at Little America, had the most amazing chocolate covered strawberries i have ever had, so we ordered room service and got some more chocolate strawberries. Well lets just say $20.00 later I got some chocolate covered strawberries, well worth it but alittle pricey.
Next we bought a house! WE ARE HOME OWNERS!!!! I thought this day would never come. But it did and we are still alive....i think! I have the most amazing friends and family that helped with moving and my mom watching the girls, and Amanda cleaning my new house which was the worst job ever, but i love her for it.(i hate deep cleaning) we are still living out of boxes, hopefully that will end soon. We love our new house and it is much bigger than our little farm rental. And the girls love having their own room and a playroom with all of their toys. I cant wait to furnish and decorate it when we have alittle extra money, which will happen one room at a time( im ok with that) so for now its a little empty. I will also show you pictures of the new house asap! Well thats about all, I will post pictures soon!
And on top of the moving in to our new house, I managed to go deer hunting and got myself a pretty nice 2 point. Ok so i passed up the hugest buck ever, but I was too scared and couldn't find it in my scope when it came time to shoot it, so I settled for the 2 point. Enjoy!
Posted by Caleb,Ashley,Sadie, and Chloe at 11:37 AM 8 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Bear Lake and the Fair
Papa and Chloe(she loves her papa!)
Chloe playing in the gross, foaming, old water
Chloe pulling me
Its been so crazy lately with so much fun stuff going on. Of course we went to the County Fair for alittle fun:) Sadie and Chloe loved the rides and animals and of course cotton candy and carmeled apples. We also went to Bear Lake with Nana and Papa, Jessica and Clint and Tyler for a short little family vaca. The girls loved the beach and could have stayed there all day! Sadie loves loves loves preschool. I asked her if she has any friends and she told me "no, cause she is too shy and doesn't talk to anyone" poor girl! Her teacher says she just plays with the barbies during playtime. Of course she does thats what she does at our house too! Chloe is getting so fun everyday and she loves having a few hours with just mom while Sadie is at school. We are loving our life!!!!!
Posted by Caleb,Ashley,Sadie, and Chloe at 8:30 PM 9 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
When we got home from camping Sadie wanted to get her ears pierced for school. I tried to prepare her that it hurts alittle. Gosh I got mine pierced when I was 8 and it hurt super bad...poor girl! She new exactly what earings she wanted. The diamond squared earings so thats what she got! We did alittle school shopping before we got her ears pierced and then got ice cream after. She did really good. She cried for a minute and then wanted to see a mirror to look at her "beautiful earrings"
Posted by Caleb,Ashley,Sadie, and Chloe at 11:44 AM 4 comments