When we got home from camping Sadie wanted to get her ears pierced for school. I tried to prepare her that it hurts alittle. Gosh I got mine pierced when I was 8 and it hurt super bad...poor girl! She new exactly what earings she wanted. The diamond squared earings so thats what she got! We did alittle school shopping before we got her ears pierced and then got ice cream after. She did really good. She cried for a minute and then wanted to see a mirror to look at her "beautiful earrings"
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Posted by Caleb,Ashley,Sadie, and Chloe at 11:44 AM 4 comments
More Summer Fun.....
We went deer hunting at our cabin in Brian Head, its about 5 hours away including a few pee stops for the girls...oh that ride is not very fun with an 18 month old. Chloe screamed almost the whole way there and back. Sadie just played with barbies and watched movies(whoever invented car dvd players...bless them!) We stayed for 5 days, it was super fun but I was definately ready to come home to my home and bed and the girls were happy to have their toys own toys and space. Here are some pictures of us camping! Sadie n' Chance(Our best friends little guy) this was the only time he wouldn't sream...outside!
Posted by Caleb,Ashley,Sadie, and Chloe at 10:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Pool Party
We have been super busy doing fun things the past couple of weeks. So here are some pictures from the Hardy Pool Party, the girls had a blast! I have more pictures to post so come visit again soon. Tai introduced me to this fun little program where I can combine pictures...its way fun, Thanks Tai! I am just learning so hopefully it will improve.
Posted by Caleb,Ashley,Sadie, and Chloe at 12:55 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
So I'm 25 and I feel so old, but so young to have been married for 5 years and have 2 sweet little girls! My dad told me I was half way to 50....i said "thanks dad you make me feel so much better". We had a family birthday party at my parents house on Sunday. We ate dinner and then had my fav cake and homemade ice cream. On Monday my birthday, Caleb gave me a pedicure...he actually filled up a bucket with warm water put some foot cleansing gel in and messaged my feet and oooohhh...it felt so good! I have the best husband ever! Have any of your husbands gave you a pedicure??? Okay so there is a story behind it, My sis Melissa and I were ging to get pedicures for my birthday but couldn't get an appointment, I was bummed so Caleb came home and put the girls down for a nap and gave me the best pedicure ever!! Thanks babe....I love you! To top off my birthday we went to my fav place Tepanyakis with some good friends (Chad and Maresa, Amanda and Clay, Riley and Hilaree) and ate some yummy food and had cake and my fav ice cream...thanks for the birthday presents everyone I had an awesome 25 birthday!
Posted by Caleb,Ashley,Sadie, and Chloe at 9:14 AM 7 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
3 JoYs
*Dating my husband(love love to go out just Caleb and I)
*My sweet girls
3 FeArS
*Garden Spiders and Snakes.
*Something happening to my family that I can't control.
* Living in this dang house my whole life.
3 GoALs
*Buy a new house in the near future(as soon as possible before I lose my mind).
*Be a better person, wife, and friend.
*Food Storage
*taking more pictures of my family and scrapbooking them.
3 CuRrEnT ObSeSsIoNs
*Shopping and spending money... I swear I have obsessive compulsive disorder for spending money sometimes..
*Zeppi's custard(YUMMMMY!) and Tepanyaki...have you tried it...I definately recommend it!
* Yard work
Posted by Caleb,Ashley,Sadie, and Chloe at 3:15 PM 8 comments